Reporting foreign worker employment condition changes.
알 수 없는 사용자
2020. 5. 21. 07:19
Reporting foreign worker employment condition changes.
외국인근로자 고용변동 신고하기
All foreign worker employment condition changes must be reported to the immigration office. (Failure to do so will result in a fine up to 5 million won)
외국인 근로자를 고용한 후에 고용변동 사유가 발생하면 관련 내용을 반드시 신고하여야 합니다. (미신고시 500만원이하의 과태료)
Types of employment condition changes that must be reported: |
Unexcused absences, Lay-off, retirement, Contract period changes, workplace changes, etc |
무단결근, 해고, 퇴직, 계약기간 변경, 근무처 변경 등 |
Deadline for report: 신고기한: |
Within 15 days from the date of change. | 사유 발생일로부터 15일 이내 |
How to Report 신고방법 |
Login to HiKorea ( > e-Application > file an e-Application > [Integrated Report of Changes in H2 / E9 Employment and training of Foreigners] or [Notification of changes in foreign employees/trainees] > click e-Application > proceed report | 하이코리아 로그인 (> [전자민원] > [전자민원신청] > 민원사무목록 > 고용변동신고 > [전자민원] 클릭> 신고진행 |
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