What position Korean company want foreigners to have?
As the world begins to become more global, more and more companies are trying to enter the service globally. Accordingly, there is an increasing tendency to prefer foreign talent in certain occupations, and let's find out which occupations prefer talent as foreigners. In some survey, we found out result regarding of issues that company's opinion of what position do they want foreigner to take, the
1. electricity/electronics/computers were the highest at 52%,
2. chemistry/life science/environment at 21%,
3. humanities/social science at 12%, and
4. medical/pharmacology/health science, machinery and materials at 8%.
and for of course, Foreign graduates with master's and doctorate degrees in Korea are high-quality R&D personnel with both understanding of Korean culture and high-level research capabilities, which play a role in Korean companies' overseas expansion and create great effects.
Nowadays, not even startup, major company try to hire developer in most every sector, so hire someone not only in Korea, but also who is living in aborad also be considered gradually, and some of company already make one work as an remote. According to the Korea International Trade Association, in a recent survey of 236 startups in Korea, 114 (48%) said they hired foreigners. More than half of them, 78 companies have contracted to work locally. In addition, 185 companies (78%) of the companies surveyed said, "We are willing to hire foreigners in the future."
Might ot easy to predict what's next, but it's important to keep up with this popular trend in recruitment market.
Contents quotes originally from 사람인 (saramin.co.kr)