
  • Types of Residences in Korea
    Issues 2020. 5. 28. 02:29

    Types of residences available in Korea are serviced residence, apartment, one-room studio, multi-family residence, hanok (Korean traditional house), etc.



    Serviced Residences / 생활형 수박시설 (서비스 레지던스 호텔)

    Serviced residences are furnished apartment buildings for both short- and long-term visitors to Seoul.

    • They have all the necessities of a modern apartment
    • These units are usually two to three times bigger than your average hotel room and usually include a kitchen.
    • Hotel-like services are provided, which include a front desk, a business center and a community area. Visitors may prefer a serviced residence as opposed to a hotel because of their affordability.



    Apartments / 아파트

    Apartments are the most popular housing option among Koreans. They are preferred by most locals mostly due to their convenience.

    • Nearly all apartment complexes have facilities nearby such as supermarkets, district offices, post offices, and schools, as well as easy access to public transport.
    • Basic utilities like water, gas and heating are well established.
    • The units are somewhat smaller than what one might be accustomed to abroad.
    • Since the units are tightly packed into each complex, there can be a lack of privacy.
    • Looking for a parking space after work can also be a challenge, as most complexes do not allocate parking spaces to each unit.



    Officetels / One-room studios / 오피스텔 / 원룸

    Officetel (office + hotel) refers to a residence-like office space. Some Koreans use them as residences.

    • Most of them are located in easily accessible places.
    • They are equipped with furniture and convenience facilities. The tenant’s privacy is protected.
    • A one-room studio is a smaller version of an officetel.
    • One-room studios offer lower monthly rents than officetels. There are many one-room studios near a university.



    Detached Houses / 단독 주택

    Detached house is built for one family on detached housing site.

    • In detached houses, the privacy of a family is well protected. You can set up a residential plan the way you like.
    • You can have your own garden.



    Multiplex Houses / 빌라 / 다세대주택

    They are  smaller versions of apartments.

    • A multiplex house is in a building no higher than four-stories.
    • number of families can reside in separate residential space in a building, and each household can own and sell the suit separately.



    Hanok / 한옥집

    A hanok is traditional Korean house.

    • Ondol, a system of  heated floors, keeps the house warm during the cold winter months, while the wide front porch keeps it cool during the scorching, hot summer months.
    • The hanok is a type of residence unique to Korea that was developed to meet the needs associated with the frigid cold of winter and the scorching heat of summer.
    • It is interesting to note that many remodeled traditional houses are appearing in the city.
    • These remodeled homes have various modern amenities to go along with the beauty of their traditional design.

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